Later in the morning be borrowed a couple of marina bikes (ours are folded down and carefully stored onboard -ie stuffed in the aft berth- it would have taken well over an hour to get them out and put together) and rode into Southport.
We went to the FREE maritime museum. It was ok as small town museums go but they do have a must see there. They have a real submarine telescope. And it's installed through the museum roof and working. You can look through it and see the Cape Fear River, Bald Head Island, the Cape Fear Sound and Inlet, and Southport - 360. It's so freaking kewl!
We checked out the city pier, rode around a bit and ran an errand or two. FYI cruisers -Southport Napa Autoparts has a pretty darn good inventory of marine parts - filters, belts, hoses, shrimping boots, thru hulls, etc...
Wednesday night we had a private chart briefing with fellow cruiser David with the help of Shelly Cat. He invited us and the only other cruisers in the marina (Tom and Deb) for sundowners.
We heard some wonderful tales. David grew up around the area and has basically been on the water all his life. Previously as a shrimper and working on a towboat and now cruising. He gave us the low down on the four capes - Canaveral, Roma, Fear and Hatteras. Amazing and scary stuff. He also shared his local knowledge pointing out places to anchor, good inlets, bad inlets, and places to be mindful. It was fun, entertaining and we learned a ton! Thanks David.
That's one spooky looking cat...with a creepy cat medallion. Were there any good words about Cape Canaveral?
ReplyDeleteActually she is a very kewl looking kitty cat. The pics doesn't do her justice. Her eyes are blue.