Headed home for a few days |
Guyana seems to have a large percentage of the workforce that is
itinerate or station workers. They
travel from home to their place of employment – a resort, lodge, mining or
logging camp, etc….to work for 22 days or so and then they go home for 7-10 days
off. Sometimes more days on and less
off. While at their place of employment,
they generally live on-site in worker housing.
The bulk of the population of Guyana lives along the coast and to some
extent the waterways. People in tiny
villages in the interior travel out to populated areas to work.
Miners and loggers travel into the bush to work. As we experienced first-hand, travel into and out of the
bush is not an easy thing (more in a separate blog about that). The travel time/challenges cuts into the days off. Seven days off, often means only 5 days at home because one day is spent traveling home and one traveling back to work. I realize
this is not uncommon in certain regions of the world as well as various
cultures and socioeconomic levels, but it was new for us to see up close and
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