Monday, July 22, 2013

Chillmaster Tom - Refrigeration Repair -Check

New unit
While Tom did kickback earlier on Sunday and watch the British Open, that is not what I am referring to in the title of this blog posting.  Instead I am referring to the fact that he is now master of our newly fixed Isotherm refrigerator!  I think I may have mentioned before that we had some projects that we felt we HAD to get completed before leaving the dock here in Brunswick.  One was to fix the non-working fridge once and for all. 
Old unit
Tom has been troubleshooting, ordering parts, consulting the Internet, trying this and trying that off and on over the last month.  We even had a refrigeration guy out early on to help troubleshoot.  Notes we have found onboard from the previous two owners suggest that it may have always been a bit of a pain.  Being a 1998 unit of course the models have changed over the years making the matching up of pieces and parts an interesting game.  Finally he suspected the compressor was the final issue and planned to switch the old compressor out for the new - again....think old parts matching up to new parts......eeeek.  And of course you can't just buy the compressor, you have to buy the whole bundle - compressor and holding plate. 
New unit in place and ready to flip the switch
Yesterday afternoon he climbed down into "the hole" (cockpit locker) to tackle the switch over.  After an hour or so he instructed me to flip the switch.  I crossed all my fingers and toes, held my breath and flipped it on.
Lights are a GOOD sign
There was a few seconds of silence and then the unit kicked on!  Woo Hoo!  Success!!!!  The old holding plate cooled down immediately and has been working perfectly since.
In action and working great.  Coldie anyone?
Chillmaster Tom rules!!!!  Goofy I know but this was a big one to get checked off.

1 comment:

  1. That's a huge improvement! Can't imagine a boat without refrigeration. Now, when are you leaving the dock?? And how sick of that question are you getting? ;-)
