While roaming around Charleston yesterday, soaking in the history there were a couple of plaques and things we read that read "funny." I guess it's all in how you interpret things but.....
One said something about Ft Sumter and the "military occupation." Hum???? Are they referring to the Union forces or Confederate forces "occupying" the fort? Next was some statue in Battery Park and general so and so had helped protect the people from the French, Spanish and "pillaging Cherokee". Hum???
The recorded story of Ft Sumter we heard while on the mass transit boat ride out there was much more middle of the road- offend no one. However, there was this one weird comment on a plaque at the fort. Something to the effect of "the north HATED Charleston because it was profitable." Really? HATED? On a National Park plaque. Hum???
We thought we better go see Ft Sumter while we are here this time. If the %$@*^!@* jackwagons in Washington DC don't fix this debt ceiling stuff, our wonderful national park system will be one of the first payments to get suspended - my opinion only. * No other comment here on that topic. I will just get too worked up and my head will just pop off and I really don't want that to happen while I'm on holiday.
Ft Sumter is an amazing piece of US history and we are really glad we went.
*No comment on the massive amount of tourist crap you can buy in the gift shop with the confederate flag on it.
**And DON'T email me or post a comment explaining the confederate flag! I don't want to hear it!
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