Sunday, March 25, 2018

Grenada 2017 Hash

Hash certificate

December 2017

According to Wikipedia - Hash House Harriers is "an international group of non-competitive running social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hashhash run or simply hashing, with participants calling themselves hashers or hares and hounds."

Grenada is home to hashers.  Cruisers are invited and encouraged to join in with locals each week at the hash.  Some Hashes are difficult, others are easy.  Transportation is arranged and announcements made.  There are rules and traditions that go along with Hashing.

Tom joined in one of the Saturday Hashes - the Happy Hill Hash.  It was one of the more difficult.  Hill being the first hint.  The happy part?  When you come back down.  He enjoyed it.  He came back to the boat late, soaked in beer, with a big can of chicken salami and a smile.  You see, at the end of each hash there is food and beer.  One of the traditions is to spray all the newbies with beer.  Apparently the bar they were at had samples of chicken salami.  Tom and John thought they were good so they each bought a can.  We still have that can by the way.    

I planned to join one of the hashes several weeks later but just never got around to it.  No surprise there!

BTW - there are many, many Hash House Harriers around the world.  Trinidad has an active group.    

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