Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rear View Mirror - Steps Each Day

July 2012- Last week was really tough for me work wise.  It was all self induced.  While having a "light at the end of the tunnel" has really helped.  It can at times have a negative affect.  Moving towards a simpler life makes the complexities and politics of corporate life frustrating and painful.  There is SO much extra noise....emails, alerts, newsletters, campaigns, reports, spreadsheets, blah blah blah.  And most of it is utter BS thought up by corp people so they can say they are making a difference.  The main priority of customers and sales is pushed to the back and forgotten.  In my opinion, K.I.S.S is still the best strategy for success.
Anyway....because of the tough week, I decided that I needed an attitude change immediately so it wouldn't affect my customers/work.  I decided to do something each day towards our cruising goal.  Even if was a little item.  It could be to start researching health insurance.  Or start re-read Jimmy Cornell's World Cruising Routes (certain parts) again.  Or unsubscribe to all the email alerts I get on a personal bases.  So I started doing that and it really helped my state of mind.  One of the first things I did was draft my corporate See Ya Later email. This is not my official resignation but the email that will go out to everyone saying good-bye.  That was a fun activity/task.
5-1-13 - I am posting this Rear View Mirror as a follow up to The Right Way that I posted the other day.  The above is just another thing we/I did along the way to get us to where we are now. 

1 comment:

  1. For us it was really hard to put up with all the corporate bullshit, all the while knowing that it was all so meaningless. Well, for us anyway. We maintained our integrity, put out good product/results for our customers, but like you we found zero tolerance for the non value added work that was only assigned to make a manager(?) look good. Knowing I was leaving was so priceless at times. Deb would always comment when I was stressed, "eye on the prize Captain. Eye on the prize."
