Picture by Maryanne Hogarth |
Friends, family, neighbors keep asking us "what about Larry, is he going with you?" That would be a big
Larry is our one remaining cat. Reba died a couple of years back at the age of 26! Yes, our old cat lived 26 human years. Larry was a walk up 10 years ago, adopting us. He is a pretty kewl cat. He doesn't act like your typical cat. He acts more like a dog. Friends that don't even really dig cats like Larry. As his V-E-T Dr G says "Larry is a really great guy!"
However he is a bit clumsy. He doesn't have his front claws. His previous owners did that (who are unknown to us- remember walk up). He is also a bit of a sensitive boy. He doesn't like loud noises and runs when someone rings the doorbell. We are pretty sure he would NOT like living aboard a boat.
AND.....I think the worst smell on this planet is cat pee. NOTHING smells worse. So.....in response to the title question what about Larry, we reply
Larry must find a new home. We have been saying this for a several months now hoping someone would take him in. Our first choice was the neighbor that takes care of him when we are gone (and his second family). He spends a ton of time down in their yard, just hanging out. However they have a family member that is allergic to cats. Doesn't everyone? Hum? The next choice is another neighbor (and his third family) that feeds Larry breakfast every morning outside her door. Yes, Larry has two breakfasts most mornings. However she has a huge, active dog that barks he head off at Larry. KSU Brenda really wants Larry but she also has two very active dogs. We didn't think he would do well with other dogs.

But never fear, friends have been rallying to help find Larry a new home. One friend has secured a cat loving person to take him but she can't until August and we are leaving soon......eeek. Now what? Aunt Helen to the rescue. The same friend has convinced her Aunt Helen to take Larry in until August. Yay Aunt Helen! We SO appreciate you giving Larry a temporary home. Thank you, thank you, thank you!