Monday, March 12, 2012

Coastal Navigation Class Deja Vu

Bruce of KC Sailing leading the ASA 105 Nav Class
Wikipedia says Deja Vu - (French translation... literally "already seen") is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the prior encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined.  *And yes, I use Wikipedia - it's easy to understand, generally pops up first in a search, and seems accurate enough for blog purposes....same as Fox News - fair and balanced, Oh Snap!
The tools
Imagined?  Hardly!  It's Sunday morning, 11am and I find myself back in class.  It's a nautical flashback to March 2009 and the first go around as a student.
Vanna of the nav tools?  NOT!
This time somehow I ended up agreeing to assist with the current ASA 105 Coastal Navigation being taught at KC Sailing.  By assist I mean - sitting in the back of the class, pouring coffee in the morning, helping hold charts up, unlocking the door for the pizza delivery guy and occasionally add a comment.  And that is all fine by me because a quick review the night before the class kicked off, made me realize that my memory sucks and this stuff is not necessarily intuitive to a girl raised on the high plains.  So.....I once again find myself studying/reviewing the course material several nights during the week as the next Sunday approaches.  Deja Vu indeed!     

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