Stephanie, Brett and Miles |
After 4 full Sunday's of classroom and weeks of study, the students wrapped up the Coast Nav Class. I think their brains were sufficiently scrambled after all that. We made some interesting discoveries during classroom discussions of various navigation techniques.
Bonnie, Jamel and Pat |
One discovery was that about 1/2 the of the class is math brain oriented. They think of all the different navigation techniques as math problems with formulas and calcs. This group of navigators needs to understand everything from a mathematical point of view.
SO not my camp. The other half of the class is visual and needs to see the nav techniques in their head or drawn out or as we did in class - acted out. Yes....I was a NUN with a relative bearing on more than one occasion during class....probably the only time other than Halloween that I will ever come close to being/acting like a NUN! HA! And yes, the visual folks are the camp I reside in.
Al, JR and Matt |
Anyway - they all studied hard and fully participated making it a terrific class. (Not too shabby for a bunch of high plains lake sailors where the only ATONS is a No Wake bouy that the power boaters try to mow over at high speed.)
So now the students can relax, reclaim their dinning room table back from being a chart table and do something else in the evenings, like look at Google Maps, program their new Garmin GPS or download various navigation apps for their smartphone.
John, Todd, Ben and John |
I am quite sure I'd join you in the "visual" camp as well. Glad you're all done -- good job!