Thursday, November 24, 2011

Crunch Part 2 - Our Turn

I think I have mentioned before that the most dangerous thing on a sailboat is a schedule.  Yeah, so...  Rigger Sean and his dad Jim were on a schedule for Tday celebrations with family so we had to get back to the dock.   And I think I also mentioned previously that the current races through this marina at a pretty good clip.  We had a plan and executed it but the current, north wind and tide had other plans for us.  We ended up with a bit of a tough/ugly docking.

No one got hurt and no other boats were damaged (bit of "rubbing" like they say in Nascar) but s/v Honey Ryder got banged up a touch.  We actually ended up in another slip temporarily.  Sean and Jim left for their Tday.  Tom and I chilled the 30 mins until slack tide and then with dock neighbor Matt's help, got s/v Honey Ryder back in her slip.  Sean said he has a guy that can weld the stanchion back and he would buff out the marks on the side.

Thanks to Mayor of F-Dock Rick and another unknown dock neighbor that tried to assist us the first go round.

Ah, live and learn aka another adventure.  *I have always been very emotionally tied to my/our boats - right or wrong.  VERY emotionally tied.  However I also realize that things are going to happen.  We have and are going to hit docks, run aground, etc...I know this.  Having said that, it's now been several hours since this happened and I am surprisingly ok.  We didn't damage s/v Honey Ryder permanently.  She will just need a little attention.  If anything, this has re-enforced why we picked a Caliber...strength.  She will take care of us and we will take care of her!  Sorry for the bumps today Honey.

1 comment:

  1. Our hearts go out to you and Honey Ryder. Definitely gets the blood flowing when going through docking in bad conditions. Glad
    to know you got to spend Thanksgiving aboard.
    S/V TammyAnn
