Charleston is second only to Las Vegas for destination weddings. On any given weekend there are tons and tons of weddings in and around Charleston. Yeah, yeah....whatever. *Ever notice that (in general) after you are married, you really could care a less about other weddings!
Turns out that Charleston has also put itself on the map as a food destination. And I am talking serious focus on all things food. As a self-proclaimed foodie and someone who likes to cook and even better, EAT, I have really enjoyed exploring this aspect of this wonderful city. Discovering the unique foods that make up low country/Gullah/southern fare and their origins.Trying the wonderful restaurants and fabulous, yummy dishes. And best of all, meeting the fascinating people involved in this food focused town.

We had seen a funny/goofy/kewl t-shirt during Charleston Race week that said
Taco Boy. For whatever reason we found this really funny. Little did we know in April it would lead us to "
Taco Boy" the restaurant with spectacular, unique soft tacos!

Of course Tom had to get a Taco Boy T-shirt. I opted for a couple of stickers and a temporary tattoo. * What the hell am I going to do with a Taco Boy temp tattoo? But it seemed kewl when the manager gave it to me. Who knows, I might find a use for it. I will let you know.

Of course no trip to Charleston would be complete without Shrimp and Grits but we really try to branch out and try other things and not repeat anything. Well....except Dark and Stormies as the marina bar. That doesn't count because those are practically required.

Tom treated me to a special belated birthday dinner Friday night at
Anson's. I had their signature crispy flounder on the recommendation of another dinner and the bartender Jeremy. Turns out he is almost as big of a fan of live music as Tom so we chatted with him about all things music and concerts.