We have been camped out in front of various web sites since last weekend tracking this wicked storm. It is our first time dealing with a hurricane since we purchased s/v Honey Ryder and what a mean little bitch she's turned out to be. Sunday night into Monday forecasts had Irene coming ashore directly on top of s/v Honey Ryder as a Cat 3 Hurricane. I only got 20 mins of sleep that night - every possible scenario running through my head. Cap10 Tom flew out Wednesday morning to do final prep and secure her as best he could. I continued to drive myself crazy with constant hurricane updates. Slowly Irene turned slightly - taking aim on North Carolina for it's first landfall. s/v Honey Ryder would still have to deal with tropical storm forces but not a full hurricane. However worry has now shifted to worry for fellow sailors and friends in the storms path.
Quite the storm for our first hurricane. Does it ever get any easier on these suckers? Do you ever get used to it or does your stomach always churn as you worry through every close hurricane event?
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