We started feeling like real cruisers on our most recent trip from the standpoint of modes of transportation. We took planes, taxis, our beloved s/v Honey Ryder, our own feet and buses to get to where we needed to be. BUSES? Yes, Greyhound to be exact.

To some of you, this doesn't seem odd at all. But to many others, especially those of the great plains states, buses are not the normal mode of transportation. KC has city buses but I only know of one person that rides the bus. Nope, we all have cars and we all drive them. Sadly, individually most of the time. This has perhaps lead to a bias against mass transit buses as transportation. *Recent discussions with said persons on this topic shall remain confidential.

We needed to get from Savannah GA back to Brunswick GA for our Sunday evening flight. I looked into car rental. Besides the cost of a cab to take us to the not so close car rental facility, they wanted massive $$ for the 3 hrs we needed it. 23 hrs costs the same amount. Amtrak runs through but doesn't stop in Brunswick. Greyhound however did. And for $22 each. $47 with tax! Hello Greyhound. Neither Tom nor I had ridden a Greyhound bus. The station was full when we got there via cab. There weren't enough seats but as people milled around and got up and down we snagged 1 1/2 seats. The station wasn't all that clean but it was ok. We just sat back and took in all in. It was early 8:20am so many folks snoozed in their seats. Others were charging their cell phones at the cell phone charging counter. As rookies we didn't get there in time to find an open plug to charge ours.

When the bus pulled in at 8:50 there was a mad rush to the gate....which was really just the #6 above a specific door. The girl behind the counter had completely disappeared but Paul, our bus driver took control and clearly didn't need her. He quickly got us all in one line ( we were towards that back as rookies who didn't know to mad dash for #6). Then he asked for passengers going to Hicksville or Higginsville or some such hville - there were two women. Then he asked for passengers traveling to Brunswick. Cap10 Tom and I were the only ones. He directed the four of us to the front of the line. SCORE! He rattled off a bunch of instructions and then took the Hville passengers tickets and let them out door #6. We were next - "leave any checked bags by the side of the bus (we had none, backpacks only) , board the bus and pick any seats except the front two rows. Those the driver's space. We can't have people sitting there because they ask too many questions of the drivers." * Oh if we could only set rules like that in other ares of our lives!

Cap10 Tom and I boarded and found our seats. The bus was cleaner than the terminal but not spotless but hey....cruising transportation right! I thought it best not to tempt the travel gods and venture into the bus head on my virgin outting. My friends.... the seat on buses are way bigger than the tiny airline seats and comfy. Two by two so no risk of the dreaded middle seat. The other passenger filtered on. The bulk seem to be going to Jacksonville FL and south. By this time, many interesting characters had risen to the top of the crowd and even more interesting where the relationships amongst the travelers. Like the red headed, dreadlock braided, totally tatoo' d up white chick from Alabama and the simply, classic dressed black woman who got off in Hville. Well soon enough we were underway with Paul given us the simple rules of his bus. Again....way better than the flying circus called air travel. The bus rode really well. Being early morning, people chatted quietly. The guy catty corner behind us (MO guy) said to the guy behind us (NFL guy) that he started out from Osceola Missouri and this was his third bus. For those of you that don't know...Osceola is on HWY 13 on the way to Springfield MO and I pass through there at least once a week. MO guy explains that it's a really small town but that there is this place there that makes cheese. PEOPLE, I stop there all the time and buy the yummy cheese - Mango fire is an addiction for me! But wait.....the quote of the day.....NFL guy says "you go all the way out there to get you some of that cheese?" Cap10 Tom and I nearly lost it overhearing this all. Anyway, we both finally opted for our ipods. This allowed us to relax, chill and watch the scenery and Canadians go by. *No lie, all of Canada is headed to FL. In a 45 min time frame on I-95, 12 cars with Canadian plates went by. At Hville Paul warned that only the 2 passengers getting off would be allowed to exit the bus. However, he caved because he needed to search for some worried woman's luggage below. He let everyone take a quick 3 min ciggie break while he searched. Red headed, dread braided, tatoo'd up white chick said goodbye to her classic dressed black friend. Turns out that they have been riding on the same buses from St Louis to this Hville. That is how they got to know each other - like drunkin air flight buddies in an airport bar on a 10 hour delay.

We made it to Brunswick right on time 2 hrs and 15 mins. Paul dropped us at the closed station. Remember from previous blogs....very little is open in downtown in Brunswick on Sunday including the small bus stop. Overall, a very good experience. Go Greyhound and leave the driving to us.

Really enjoyed your Greyhound account - very colorful! The cheese story is priceless! So, you gotta tell me about the Mango fire cheese. Sounds very interesting!