Showing posts with label New Years Eve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Years Eve. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2018

Grenada 2017 New Years Eve

Patrick, Luci and Laura

December 31, 2017

sv Freedom is the lovely 44 ft CSY center cockpit sailboat.  They were anchored in Mt Hartman with us as well.  John and Roberta invited "The gang" over to their boat for New Years Eve.  Sv Blue Blaze - Laura and Jason, sv Illusions with Patrick and Luci, sv Kelly Nicole with Debra and Paul and us.
Roberta and Laura - the chefs

Roberta and Laura cooked all day and so we had round after yummy round of heavy apps.
Patrick show the pig....dice?

They taught us two new games.  Some pig game, I forget the name but you basically have two tiny rubber pigs you roll instead of dice.  Based on the way the pigs lands - right side up, upside down, on the how you earn points.  It was ok.  We also learned to play Left, Right, Center, a dice game.  That was a fun game.  Very exciting.  As you know may know, Tom and I are not really game people but LRC is fun, especially with this crazy group.  NOTE - we had since played it again in Bequia.  And we will probably be getting our own set of LRC dice this summer.
John rolling the dice while Luci hopes for right and Roberta hopes for left

We even had a little cruisers was a tad rough as none of us sings but oh well.
Paul doubting whatever Jason it telling him

More drinks, more food, chatting, laughing.  It was a perfect evening.  Midnight came and then the fireworks started.  We could see the fireworks from over the hill at Prickly Bay.  AND the super, exclusive resort ashore had some self-important mucky mucky there who paid for their own fireworks display.  And we were front and center to see it.  The best seat in the house.  Even better than their view ashore.  Rich people have nice fireworks.  Thanks to whoever you are for sharing those with us.
Tom and Jason jamming

Paul plugs in for the jam

Laura on the recorder

Immediately after the fireworks, the rain came.  sv Blue Blaze dashed away as it was lightly raining.  sv Kelly Nicole tried to do the same but mis-communication left Deb in the dinghy in the rain and Paul said good night.  D-oh!  Roberta played hostess extraordinaire casting everyone off and getting completely soaked doing it.  We waited a bit but it didn't let up.  Our boat was fairly close, we knew we wouldn't melt and quite frankly, we can always use a rinse so we made a dash for it.  We got soaked but so what.  Patrick and Luci had further to go so they waited it out for 30 mins and didn't get wet.
Debra and Luci - rhythm nation

Patrick - part of the rhythm nation

It was such a nice evening.  Other cruisers went ashore for New Years Eve which would meant dinghy ride, taxi, reservations, $$, and so on and so forth.  Ugh - not our type of NYE.   We had the best time, with the best company.  Thank you Roberta and John!!!