Sunday, November 3, 2013

Amazing Artist and All Around Kewl Chick

Meet Donna Robertson.  Tom discovered, quite by dumb luck... that a childhood friend's mother lives nearby in Beaufort NC.  He contacted her and they chatted away.  A get together was scheduled and soon Donna was picking us up for lunch at Beaufort Grocery.  They caught up on old times and we learned about her interesting life since KC.  Besides being a talented artist, she is one dynamite lady.  She congratulated us on our new life and encouraged us in everyway.

Thanks to her, we now have our first original piece of art work on board - awesome!
Check out her work here Donna Robertson  

1 comment:

  1. How cool! Love the artwork, and what a neat thing for Tom to meet up with an old family friend. By the way, Tom is really getting skinny -- the cruising life must agree with him. But I am sure you won't let him get TOO thin with your great cooking, Sabrina!
