Saturday, January 28, 2012

Types of Sailboat Rigs

Sailing students often ask us about different sailing rigs.  This explains the various rigs and the tune is catchy too.
*Credits go to - Tall Ships Animation by Mike Biggie. Music by John Kraus
**No copy right infringement intended.  It's just a kewl little video. 

Sailing Gear Brings Cheer

Nothing brightens a cold, grey winters day like the arrival of a package of sailing gear - it doesn't really matter what it is.  Big, small, vital or's sailing gear so it's all good.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lighten the Load

The start of a new year generally find folks reassessing and making changes.  For some it's a diet or an intent to eat healthier or exercise more.  Whatever the item - it's a commitment to change.  While we have never been ones to make New Years Resolutions, we do strategically map out items that we want to accomplish in the coming year.  As a continuation of a previous posting Too Much Stuff....we are working to lighten the load - aka major purging is going to happen around here.

Too Much Stuff

Have you ever noticed how the print sales inserts in your local paper shift focus from season to season?  None more dramatic than the huge shift from Xmas to this time of year.  During Xmas, they push all the gift stuff....BUY STUFF, BUY STUFF, BUY STUFF.
Then right after Xmas, the big discounters print ads scream STORAGE, STORAGE, STORAGE.  Is this because millions of us got even more...shi...stuff for Xmas?   And so now we have WAY more stuff than we can possibly use so we have to store it some of it?  I think so.  It seems crazy and a bit sad to us!  But to each their own.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Winter Learning

Sailing webinar - good info
Or how to keep the local sailors busy and out of the pool halls and bars!  Well....I am not sure that last one is possible but you get my drift.  Pool Halls?  What is this....The Music Man? You know....trouble in River City.....never mind.
Winter sale and gathering
All the boats around here are winterized and those sailors not smart enough to be bare boating in the BVI's or hanging out in some condo in Florida must find something to do with our spare time.  Anything sailing related is always better than even the best house chore (in my opinion). 
So we read books, triple our internet boat porn, take sailing related webinars, and seminars and hang out at Kansas City Sailing. 
1 hr Review of Advanced Navigation

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sailors Are Just Good Peeps

Super sailing sista Deb came to my rescue this week.  She jumped in with both feet to help me procure a folding bike.  "But wait, don't you already have a folding bike you got this past summer?"  Well....I was supposed to have a folding bike but the Craigslist seller turned out to be quite the jackwagon, jerking me around and eventually the whole deal fell apart.
*Hey Mr Jackwagon - don't think I have forgotten about that either!  What comes around goes around bud!

Since then I have been searching high and low for just the right folding bike.  Aluminum, small, low priced.

Then finally BINGO, a good candidate popped up in St Louis.  I drafted a quick email to Deb asking the huge favor....could she take the time to go see the folding bike and possibly buy it for me.  She agreed - because that is what sailors do.  We help each other out!  24 hrs later I have a new folding bike.  Well's in Deb's garage waiting for me to pick it up.  She said it was no big deal (and in fact she may end up getting one as the guy has another) but it was a really big deal to me and I can't thank her enough.  Super Sailing Chick indeed!  She and her hubby have a fabulous sailing blog that you really MUST check out called The Retirement Project.  Don't miss her Cruising Comforts tab!
The math - one folding bike (shown here), s/v Honey Ryder's crew is 2.  Doesn't that leave us one bike short?  Well no.  Cap10 Tom has decided to build his own light weight, folding bike.  I know....WOW, right?  Stay tuned for more on that project.