If the dinghy is our car for s/v Honey Ryder, then this must be her.....bike. I have been hunting and hunting on area Craigslists for a folding bike. I have found many but most where already sold by the time I found them. *And by the way.....if you list something on Craigslist and you sell it - REMOVE THE LISTING!!! Argh!
Anywho, this little lovely popped up in Manhappiness so I had my cousin Steve go check it out. He says it's like brand new. He did some wheeling and dealing and now we have a aluminum folding bike for s/v Honey Ryder. Yay! Thank you cousin Steve. The checks in the mail. Now it just needs a name. What do you think....Goldfinger? Auric? Hummmmm?

And yes, I know the math doesn't quite add up. Tom + Sabrina = 2. Number of folding bikes = 1. Which means someone is walking. We will start with one and see how much of a pain it is to store, how much we use it and how it holds up to the elements.
"Odd Job"