For those non-sailors out there, the Inter Coastal Waterway or
ICW as it is known to cruisers is a sort of water highway system that runs from Norfolk VA to Corpus Christie TX. It connects rivers and creeks, allowing boats to travel south without having to go out on the ocean.
Great in theory. However the
ICW has it's own challenges. The biggest being the upkeep. Rivers flow into the sea - as many songs tell us. Tides rise and fall. All of this causes shoaling. Upkeep takes money and a very coordinated effort. Have you been watching
Cspan? None of that is happening in at any level of government. This makes navigation on the
ICW a challenge at times. Especially if you are traveling on a vessel with a 5'5" draft and 58'1/2" mast. Very little sailing if any gets done on the
ICW. Constant attention is required in
ICW navigation.
However, the flip side is traveling through some truly magically countryside brimming with wildlife of all types. Many quint little villages and marina's can be found on the
ICW. Americana on the waterway. No, I did not copy that out of a cruising guide. Those are my flowery words!