Aussie Ralph even got in on the teaching our last night on board by insisting that Tom should learn to tie a Turks Head knot. The exact purpose of this knot other than decorative was not shared other than the fact that Ralph had finally mastered it himself after much practising and was dying to teach someone how to tie it. It did not matter to Ralph that the dark cockpit of Stolen Child, after consuming ample rum drinks (both teacher & student), in a beautiful tropical anchorage, might not be the best teaching environment. He was determined. But Tom was a good sport and truly wanted to learn. He picked up as much as he possibly could given said conditions. For those of you who aren't knot experts, the Turks Head is a tough knot to master. It's complicated even in the best circumstances and takes practise.

Upon our returned to the rat race called normal life, Tom was determined to master the Turks Head and make Ralph proud. I added an additional challenge by requesting he put one on my steering wheel. I no longer want to be stuck backing out of a parking spot, turning the steering wheel as a really awful pop song comes on the radio and no way to change the channel until I complete the turns and straighten the wheel! That could lead to extreme road rage the likes we have never seen. A nicely placed Turks Head will let me know which side of my steering wheel has the channel changer and I can quickly banish John, Josh, Justin or whoever is making my ears bleed.
Well, as you can see, he has in fact mastered the Turks Head and can now decorate all kinds of things around our house and boat. I sense all our friends will be getting Turks Head key chains and dangley Turks Head earrings for Xmas. Good job Tom!
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