Thursday, December 27, 2012

Stroll Around Brunswick

Taking on HUGE rolls of paper from the plant just up the road
We decided to go for a walk and look at the huge ship that came in just up the way from the marina.
 But look what we found in the park on the way.
Musical instruments.....percussion instruments to be exact.  There were two xylophone (marimba?), two glockenspiel, wooden sound blocks and a wooden wheel that when turned, sounded like a rain stick.  Sadly no cow bell or vibraslap (we simply MUST have one of these aboard before we castoff someday!
They were all positioned atop this platform that was shaped like a ships hull.  We have no idea what the story is but it was fun to play around on them.  Too bad drummer Tom didn't have his sticks, although I think these require mallets. 
Lots of little parks on our walk.
Brunswick GA built the Liberty Ships for WWII.  There was lots of historic plaques on our walk to read so we had quite the educational walk today.
Sorry the pic is dark. 

1 comment:

  1. Totally weird! Tim and I were playing on percussion instruments (same types) at the Key West botanical gardens, they came complete with mallets. Too busy making a racket to take pictures!
