What's your vector Victor? Paging Mr Garmin? For the entire month of March Tom and I have done nothing but study coastal navigation. Each Sunday from 11-5 we sat in ASA 105 class at KC Sailing. Every night we studied. The dinning room table was converted to a huge chart/study table. Meals were instead snarfed down at the kitchen counter. All activities were put on hold until we completed this class. We ate and slept coastal navigation to the point that both of us were dreaming in chart symbols!

The big test day came March 22 and we both passed. Tom with a fantastic 95%. Me 85% - not bad for a girl who grew up sailing on irrigation lakes in KS. Before this course buoys were something to be giggled at in gym class and beacons were a family from Norway that lived up the street. Well not anymore my friends. We can now navigate the high seas with confidence. Red right
returning, preferred channel to starboard, next DR in 15 mins, bearings, running fixes and more.

All that being said, it has given us a new appreciate for "Min" our Garmin GPS. If I ever run into Dr Min Kao or Gary Burrell (founders of Garmin) while out some evening for dinner, I pledge here and now to give them a big hug and kiss to let them know how much I appreciate all that they have created for sailors like us. "We're not worthy, we're not worth."
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